Our Church Leadership


Adam Burtt (Pastor)

Since 2010, Pastor Adam has faithfully served Grace Bible Church. He’s fun-loving, easy-going, and down-to-earth. While Pastor Adam enjoys preaching and connecting with adults, he also loves children and believes in the importance of investing in the next generation. He has a big heart and is passionate about the church vision statement.

After a couple summer internships, Jed became an official part of our staff last year.  He has a bachelor’s degree in Biblical counseling and a heart for discipleship. Recently married, Jed is down-to-earth, full of joy, and you can usually find him playing guitar or singing a special in church. He has a passion for teens and runs the youth program.

Jed Delich (Pastoral Assistant)
Bill Fischer (Elder)

Bill was chosen as an elder a few years ago and has thrown himself whole-heartily into the job since. He is retired and loves going to auctions. Being incredibly resourceful, he’s always coming up with new ideas to improve the church! Bill is thoughtful and extremely generous. We love that he is never shy about sharing what God is teaching him. You should ask him sometime!

Meet Charlie, who also became an elder a few years ago! A retired Coast Guard vet, Charlie is a wonderful planner. He can usually be found coordinating events and managing the kitchen for potlucks. He also spearheads the collection of food for a local food pantry. Working with junior church, Charlie has a big heart and loves to help others!

Charlie Colgan (Elder)
Rick Walls (Elder)

Meet Rick, the last of our three elders! Rick is fun-loving, and can usually be seen smiling, laughing, or telling a sarcastic joke. He counts and records the offerings each week and loves helping others with their cars or any way he can.   

David is our behind-the-scenes guy at Grace Bible Church! Working as the treasurer, he keeps track of the numbers and often leads the quarterly business meetings. David also blessed the church by leading the choir for special events. We appreciate David and all he does!

David Bates (Treasurer)