Recent Sermons

Following God’s Leading (Joshua 3:1-17)

Knowing God’s leading in your life is one of the most prominent questions I’ve encountered from thousands of young people I’ve worked with through Christian camps, ministry teams, and working at various churches. Everyone wants that silver bullet in the time of crisis or decision. But through a relationship with God – He communicates His […]

Faith Works (Joshua 2:1-13)

God didn’t just send His Son to give you a fire insurance! He saved you to DO Good Works (Ephesians 2:10; Titus 3:8)! Are you busy doing what God wants for your Christian life? Or, are you missing out due to unbelief? For an initial relationship with God the only “work” required is that which […]

Christian Maturity: Selflessness (II Kings 20:1-11, 19)

Hezekiah was an amazing king used by God in some great ways! He went against the flow of the current culture to create an atmosphere that allowed God to bless His people with miraculous deliverance from Assyria. However, later in his reign he became sick unto death. Isaiah prophesied that he would die. Hezekiah prayed […]

Cooperation with God (Joshua 1:1-9)

If God does all the work – what is my role? Simple: cooperation! Ours is not to blaze the path but simply follow His leading and plan. In every area of life there is a “promised land” or “place of resting in God” (Hebrews 3-4). Let us find that place by following God’s instructions, promptings, […]

Entering into God’s Rest (Hebrews 4:1-16)

You are sick and tired of being sick and tired? Then, enter into God’s Rest! Are you frustrated at being the Christian who is frustrated, worried, anxious, fearful, angry, bitter? Then, enter into God’s Rest! God doesn’t mean for us to “go it alone” in our Christian life. Col. 3:4 says, “Christ, who is our […]
